April's top stop child marriage in nepali slogan ideas. stop child marriage in nepali phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples.
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Stop Child Marriage In Nepali Slogan Ideas

Stop Child Marriage in Nepali Slogans – Raising Awareness for a Cause

Child marriage is a grim reality in many parts of the world, including Nepal, where it is estimated that one in every three girls is married before the age of 18. To combat this social evil and create awareness among communities, various organizations and activists in Nepal have come up with powerful slogans that convey the message of stopping child marriages. These slogans are short and catchy phrases that are easy to remember and create an impact in the minds of people. Some of the most effective Stop Child Marriage in Nepali Slogans include "Bal Vivaaha, Nahin Hoina Mahaapaap" (Child Marriage is a Great Sin), "Bal Byaa Ko Naam, Laaj Ra Kapaati" (Child Marriage is a Disgrace), "Bal Byaa Ko Naam, Jawaani Chori" (Child Marriage is Stealing Childhood), "Bal Byaa Ko Naam, Swabhimaan Ko Maar" (Child Marriage Kills Self-Respect), "Bal Byaa Ko Naam, Shiksha Ka Virodhi" (Child Marriage goes against Education). These slogans are memorable because they use simple words and rhyming patterns, and are activated by using actions, songs, and plays. They convey the message that child marriage is a social evil that violates human rights, and has adverse consequences on the psychological and physical well-being of the children involved. In conclusion, Stop Child Marriage in Nepali Slogans are powerful tools that can help raise awareness and encourage action in the fight against child marriages. By spreading the message through these slogans, we can bring about a change in the attitude of communities, and work towards creating an environment where children can grow and thrive without the fear of being robbed of their childhood.

1. बाल बिवाहको उन्नती हुनेछ छोडदिनु होला।

2. बाल विवाह गर्नु नबुझ।

3. बाल विवाह रोक्नु अबुझ।

4. समाज बाल विवाहलाई रोक्नु अभियुक्त छ।

5. एक जनाको बाच्ने खेल, त दुई व्यर्थ जिवनलाई निर्वाह गर्दैन।

6. बाल विवाह बन्द गरी जितिने आमा।

7. आशिक्षित कन्याहरु गृह नफर्काऊ।

8. समाज बाया छैन।

9. तपाईंले एउटा उल्लसित भविष्य सृजन गर्नुहोस्।

10. बाल विवाह अपराध हो।

11. अनुभव छैन।

12. संसार बाल बिवाहलाई नै ध्वस्त गर्नेछ।

13. बाल विवाहले अन्यायलाई सिरिएत गर्दछ।

14. नेपाली समाज बाल विवाहलाई रोक्नुपर्छ।

15. खुशियो समाजका लागि, बाल विवाहलाई रोक्नुपर्छ।

16. बाल विवाह को खेल नबद्द राख्न एकजुट हुनै पर्छ।

17. चावल खान बालबयाह हुँदैन।

18. समाजको नयाँ आधार बाल बिहेको दशक लागि छैन।

19. समाज बाल बिहेको खिलिगे गर्दछ।

20. असोगतिको कार्य रोक्नु होला।

21. बाल विवाह मध्येस्ता होइन न्याय हो।

22. बाल विवाहको आघात पतनको निशान हो।

23. बाल बिहेमा सुस्त रहेका रणछोटि रोक्नु होइँन।

24. बाल विवाह स्पष्ट अपराध हो।

25. बाल वेश्या नम्बर एक खतरा छैनि।

26. बिना बाल विवाह, बिना बाल वेश्या।

27. बाल विवाहले बाँचेको जिवन कुनै पनि जीत्नुभएन।

28. बाल विवाह निरोध गर्न समाज एकता देखाउन।

29. बाल विवाहका विरोधमा समाज एकजुट हुनको समय हो।

30. बाल विवाहको डमरुबाजार टेल्ल।

31. बाल विवाहसँग जाससी नै अपराध छ।

32. बाल विवाह गरिको जीवन जीत्नु नदिन, किनकी यो आफ्नै हातले जारी गरिनेछ।

33. समाज अधिकृतले बाल विवाह रोक्नुहुनेछ।

34. बाल विवाह आपत्तिजनक तथा मनोहारी होइन।

35. जान्ने बदलाले बाल बिहेको समाप्ति रोक्नुहुनेछ।

36. बाल विवाह कानुन तथा समाज विरुद्ध हो।

37. बाल बिवाह मृत्युंजयी गतिमा छैन।

38. बाल विवाह देखौ, समाज सानो हुन्दो।

39. बाल विवाह समाज प्रतिरक्षा भंडार होइन, समाज संकट यत्न गर्दछ।

40. बाल बिवाह घोटाला हो!

41. बाल बिवाह गर्नु पर्दैन, तपाईंले जस्ताको जिवन जीवन्त गर्नु पर्छ।

42. जहाँ बाल विवाह, त्यहाँ संघर्ष।

43. बाल विवाह समाजको जीवनशैली रोधितगरी हो!

44. जित्ने लडाई अहिले।

45. समाज बाल बिहेको दशक घण्टापछि रोक्नुहुनेछ।

46. बाल विवाहलाई विराम लगाउ।

47. बाल विवाह नागरिक स्वच्छताको खतरा हो।

48. तपाईंले नबद्ध रहनुहोस्, बाल बिवाह रोक्नुपर्छ।

49. जीवनमा सफल बन्न को लागि, बाल विवाह गर्नुपर्दैन।

50. बाल बिहेको गाँठ खुल्नुपर्छ।

51. तपाईंले बाल विवाह रोकी अलपत्र पनि वहिष्कार गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ।

52. बाल विवाह संग्रह खतरा हो!

53. बाल विवाह मनोहारी नमूना र प्रभाव छैन।

54. बाल विवाह मा सबैले फुट्नु पर्छ।

55. बाल बिवाह स्पष्ट अनुकूलन होइन।

56. बाल बिहेको नाम र शाप!

57. बाल विवाह असंवेदनशील!

58. बाल विवाह मा जानेहरुलाई, देखिनेहरुले बिरोध गरिदिनुपर्छ।

59. बाल विवाह मृत्यु तथा नाशको दुर्गम गतिमा पर्छ।

60. बाल बिहेको अन्त्य हुँदैन।

61. त्यस्तो खतरा अल्पवजुदलाई आक्रमण गर्दछ।

62. बाल विवाह मा समाज असहयोगी हुँदैन।

63. बाल विवाह गरेर तपाईं अपनो जिवन आफ्नै हातमा लिन सक्नु हुनेछ।

64. बाल बिहेको हाथमा छैन, जो तपाईं थाहा भए बुझ्नुहुनेछ।

65. बाल विवाह घोटाला हो, घेउँ होस्!

66. बाल बिहेमाथि समाजले लाग्न पर्ने क़दम।

67. बाल विवाह मा सहभागिता हुनुपर्छ।

68. तपाईंले बाल विवाह रोक्नु पर्छ, समाज बिहेको नयाँ शुरुआतको लागि।

69. बाल विवाहमा जाससितथिकाको रोल!

70. जब तपाइँ बाल विवाह रोक्नु हुन्छ, हामी सबै थक्छौ।

71. श्रद्धा र बोली सँग बाल विवाहलाई नचाहिन।

72. बाल विवाह मा सुरक्षा र संरक्षण कार्यक्रममा सहभागिता।

73. जब तपाईंले बाल बिवाहलाई रोक्न सफल हुनुहुन्छ, साथै समाजलाई झुकाउनुहुन्छ।

74. यदि तपाईं बाल विवाह निरोध गर्न नपाउन, तपाईं असंवेदनशीलता को तरफ दायित्व लिनै हुनेछ।

75. बाल बिहेमा विवाद अनिवार्य भएको छैन।

76. बाल विवाह नै मृत्यु हो।

77. बाल विवाह समाजको टोली नै हो।

78. बाल विवाह समाजलाई बेहतरीको बाटो देखाउदै।

79. तपाईंले बाल भिवाह निरोध गर्ने मानिस हुनु भएको छैन।

80. बाल विवाह मा उल्लास नहुनेछ।

81. बाल विवाह मा सुरक्षित रहनुपर्दछ।

82. बाल विवाह मा मतदान गर्नु पर्छ।

83. जब तपाईंले बाल विवाह रोक्नुहुन्छ, तपाईंलाई अमानवीयता जीत्नु हुन्न।

84. बाल विवाह निरोध गर्नु पर्छ, त्यसले आफ्नो चिन्ता बढाउन सक्दैन।

85. बाल विवाह व्यवस्था सुधार गर्नुभएको छैन।

86. बाल विवाहलाई चिन्ता र जागरुकताले दुर्घटना हुनु नपाउनेछ।

87. बाल विवाह गरेर गुणासुत्र नहुनेछ।

88. बाल विवाहमा अहिल्य पतनको खतरा हुन सक्छ।

89. तपाईंले बाल विवाह निरोध गरी नागरिकतालाई सुरक्षित गर्नुपर्दछ।

90. बाल विवाह समाजले तथा छेलेन प्रति दब्बा नपारोस्।

91. बाल विवाहका विरुद्धमा आँख खोल्नुपर्छ, अन्धेरलाई हटाउनुपर्छ।

92. बाल विवाह को अनुमान समेत जमानुपर्दछ।

93. जब तपाई

Creating a memorable and effective slogan is crucial when it comes to spreading awareness and advocating for stopping child marriages in Nepal. To do so, it's important to keep the slogans short, simple, and catchy. Utilizing the Nepali language in the slogans would help to directly connect with the audience and grab their attention. Some ideas for slogans could be "Bal Bibaha Nabhayeko Nepal," meaning "No child marriage in Nepal," or "Aaj nalai bachau, bachpan lai bachau," meaning "Save tomorrow, save childhood." Other potential slogans could include "Say no to underage marriage," "End child marriage now," and "Empower girls, stop child marriage." By using these slogans and spreading them across social media platforms and various campaigns, we can help create a society that is more aware of the damaging effects of child marriage and take steps to end it.

Stop Child Marriage In Nepali Nouns

Gather ideas using stop child marriage in nepali nouns to create a more catchy and original slogan.

Stop nouns: point, obstruent, punctuation, restraint, constraint, act, impediment, stoppage, hitch, diaphragm, knob, layover, arrest, closure, stay, full stop, finish, stoppage, obstructer, catch, stay, mechanical device, check, ending, occlusion, continuant consonant (antonym), period, obstruction, obstructor, place, stopover, inactiveness, human action, punctuation mark, topographic point, occlusive, plosive consonant, block, halt, stoppage, plosive speech sound, halt, stop consonant, full point, blockage, inactivity, conclusion, inaction, spot, impedimenta, plosive, human activity
Child nouns: fry, someone, mortal, nipper, individual, tike, progeny, tyke, juvenile, offspring, person, issue, shaver, descendant, soul, kid, somebody, baby, nestling, youngster, parent (antonym), tiddler, kid, juvenile person, descendent, small fry, minor
Marriage nouns: union, family, wedlock, rite, ritual, married couple, family unit, wedding, marriage ceremony, matrimony, spousal relationship, union, marital status, unification, man and wife
Nepali nouns: Nepalese, Indic, Indo-Aryan, Nepali, Asian, Asiatic, Nepali

Stop Child Marriage In Nepali Adjectives

List of stop child marriage in nepali adjectives to help modify your slogan.

Nepali adjectives: Asian country, Asian nation, Nepalese, Nepali

Stop Child Marriage In Nepali Verbs

Be creative and incorporate stop child marriage in nepali verbs into your tagline to have more of an impact.

Stop verbs: interrupt, discontinue, hold back, close up, break up, block, break off, end, stop over, obturate, obstruct, interrupt, prevent, foreclose, intercept, preclude, bar, block, contain, quit, give up, begin (antonym), forestall, catch, forbid, discontinue, start (antonym), hold on, arrest, blockade, halt, cease, lay off, finish, terminate, break, take hold of, barricade, continue (antonym), halt, disrupt, start (antonym), block, defend, cease, kibosh, grab, end, cut off, impede, turn back, jam, occlude, terminate, break, block off, check, block up

Stop Child Marriage In Nepali Rhymes

Slogans that rhyme with stop child marriage in nepali are easier to remember and grabs the attention of users. Challenge yourself to create your own rhyming slogan.

Words that rhyme with Stop: prop, mutton chop, bookshop, flop, tank top, opp, big top, taupe, turboprop, shoppe, whaap, dunlop, knop, eyedrop, open shop, treetop, potential drop, fop, co-op, backstop, coffee shop, mountaintop, talk shop, spinning top, bucket shop, gigaflop, countertop, print shop, barbershop, take a hop, pet shop, bop, dopp, shortstop, eavesdrop, sweatshop, bebop, lop, copp, hilltop, agitprop, lollipop, whaup, workshop, riding crop, atop, nonstop, catch crop, raindrop, op, mop, scaup, backdrop, peg top, blacktop, hopeh, topp, bellhop, malaprop, machine shop, crop, aesop, hop, klopp, hoppe, shop, closed shop, chop shop, swap, bopp, cover crop, head shop, drop, non-stop, strop, tuck shop, top, sop, slop, sharecrop, beauty shop, cop, desktop, dry mop, soda pop, rooftop, belly flop, wop, chop, laptop, tabletop, pawnshop, popp, hopp, plop, cough drop, glop, kopp, pop, propp

Words that rhyme with Child: smiled, filed, rothschild, weild, mild, brainchild, schwartzchild, whiled, stepchild, reviled, rothchild, idlewild, schild, beguiled, riled, wilde, wylde, piled, profiled, goodchild, aisled, refiled, grandchild, compiled, schoolchild, exiled, stockpiled, tiled, restyled, viled, hauschild, littlechild, styled, wild, fairchild, reconciled, unreconciled

Words that rhyme with Marriage: parage, bair ridge, kerridge, sverige, disparage, bare ridge, intermarriage, berridge, herridge, miscarriage, herr ridge, bear ridge, carriage, claridge, remarriage, mare ridge

Words that rhyme with Nepali: dolly, brawly, pawley, vitaly, rawly, sprawly, prolly, vallie, squally, scali, dollie, solley, scholy, smalley, melancholy, poly, sea holly, ice lolly, papale, kigali, crawly, diwali, vitali, jolly, squali, holley, brolly, bengali, folly, duopoly, colly, natale, mccauley, jolley, bali, tallie, callee, lolli, fawley, macauley, casale, murali, dawley, whally, rawley, molly, walley, loblolly, poly-, trolley, kolli, wally, olly, drolly, holly, cali, collie, hog molly, canale, crawley, brawley, solly, border collie, pauli, pauly, imperiale, colley, ollie, drawly, mexicali, hawley, macaulay, cardinale, akali, dolley, hollie, mali, blolly, tea trolley, dali, bialy, internationale, lolly, gali, polly, rolley, aalii, cawley, raleigh, half volley, ali, volley, somali, golly, rollie, smally, scrawly, hallie, callie, mollie
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