June's top against child marriage slogan ideas. against child marriage phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples.
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Against Child Marriage Slogan Ideas

Against Child Marriage Slogans: Why They Matter

Against child marriage slogans are short and memorable phrases that are used to raise awareness about the dangers and long-lasting consequences of child marriages. These slogans are designed to encourage individuals and communities to take action to prevent children, particularly girls, from getting married at an early age. They are important because child marriage remains a global problem, with around 12 million girls getting married every year before they turn 18. This undermines their health, education, and future opportunities, perpetuating poverty and gender inequality. Effective against child marriage slogans create a sense of urgency, inspire people to act, and underline the importance of protecting children’s rights. For example, slogans like "Girls are not brides" or "Childhood is not for marriage" cut straight to the point and evoke empathy by emphasizing the innocence and vulnerability of children. Others like "Too young to wed, too young to consent" or "Marriage is a choice, not a duty" challenge traditional practices and norms and urge individuals to speak up against them. Overall, against child marriage slogans play a crucial role in raising public awareness, mobilizing support, and advocating for policies and programs that can help end child marriage once and for all.

1. Protect childhood, say no to child marriage!

2. No marriage until 18!

3. Child marriage is child abuse!

4. End child marriage, empower young girls!

5. Child marriage steals childhood!

6. Say yes to education, say no to child marriage!

7. Childhood is not meant for marriage!

8. Marriage is not a child's game!

9. Child marriage: It's a crime!

10. Let girls be girls, not child brides!

11. A girl's future is not in marriage!

12. Child marriage: Silent killer of girl's dreams!

13. End child marriage, start an education revolution!

14. Say no to child marriage, say yes to girls' education!

15. Girls belong in schools, not in marriages!

16. Childhood is meant for happiness, not for marriage!

17. Marriage before 18: Trapping girls in poverty!

18. Child marriage stands in the way of girl's education!

19. Child marriage robs girls of their freedom!

20. Say no to child marriage and change the world!

21. Child marriage: No justification, only devastation!

22. Child marriage: Putting a full stop to girl's dreams!

23. Marriage before 18: Deeply rooted in patriarchy!

24. Child marriage: Denying rights, crushing dreams!

25. Girls can do anything but get married too soon!

26. Let girls be girls, not brides!

27. No to child marriage, yes to a life of dignity!

28. Child marriage is not a tradition, it is a violation!

29. Child marriage: A life sentence for girls!

30. Say no to child marriage, say yes to girls' empowerment!

31. Child marriage: Launching girl's into adulthood too soon!

32. Child marriage: A tragedy of epic proportions!

33. A child bride is no one's honour!

34. Marriage before 18: Robbing girls of their childhood!

35. Child marriage: A vicious cycle of poverty!

36. Say no to child marriage and unleash girl's potential!

37. Child marriage: A human rights violation!

38. Child marriage: Say no to it, fight for girls' liberation!

39. Child marriage: Ending childhood, starting misery!

40. End child marriage, start a spark of change!

41. Child marriage: A crime against humanity!

42. Marriage is a choice, not a compulsion for girls!

43. Child marriage is child labour in disguise!

44. Child marriage: A barrier to girl's education!

45. Child marriage: No more disgrace, no more terror!

46. Child marriage: Let children be children!

47. Child marriage: Where are the children's rights?

48. No girl deserves to be a bride before her time!

49. Child marriage: Letting down the girl child!

50. Marriage before 18: Slavery in disguise!

51. For a better future, say no to child marriage!

52. Child marriage: A silent epidemic that needs to end!

53. No child should be robbed of their childhood!

54. Child marriage: A form of violence against girls!

55. Marriage before 18: Rusting girl's dreams!

56. Child marriage: The slavery of today's world!

57. Child marriage: Keeping girls in poverty!

58. A girl's education shouldn't end with her marriage!

59. Child marriage: A violation of basic human rights!

60. Say no to child marriage, say yes to a better future!

61. Children need protection, not marriage!

62. Child marriage: Violence masked in tradition!

63. Marriage before 18: A violation of girl's human rights!

64. Child marriage: Girls deserve better than this!

65. No to child marriage, yes to girl's liberation!

66. Childhood is for dreams, not for marriage!

67. Child marriage: A practice of dehumanisation!

68. Marriage before 18: A punishment for girls!

69. Child marriage: No to modern-day slavery!

70. Say no to child marriage, say yes to a brighter future!

71. Child marriage: A practice of gender inequality!

72. Child marriage: Stealing childhood, ruining lives!

73. Marriage before 18: A curse for girls!

74. Child marriage: A growing pandemic of the world!

75. No to child marriage, yes to girl's empowerment!

76. Childhood is for play, not for marriage!

77. End child marriage, and end the cycle of oppression!

78. Child marriage: Say no to it, change girl's future!

79. Child marriage: A life of misery and despair!

80. Marriage before 18: A path to destruction for girls!

81. Say no to child marriage, give the gift of childhood!

82. Child marriage: No girl deserves this nightmare!

83. Child marriage: Putting a halt to girl's aspirations!

84. Marriage before 18: A death sentence for girls!

85. Child marriage: Killing girl's potential, one marriage at a time!

86. No to child marriage, yes to girl's voice and choice!

87. Child marriage: Crushing girl's hopes, killing their dreams!

88. Child marriage: A roadblock to girl's economic empowerment!

89. Marriage before 18: A violation of girl's dignity!

90. Say no to child marriage, and pave the way to a brighter future!

91. Child marriage: No girl should go through it alone!

92. Child marriage: The practice of the powerful oppressing the powerless!

93. End child marriage, and give girls their childhoods back!

94. Child marriage: No to servitude, yes to freedom!

95. No girl should say 'I do' before 18!

96. Marriage before 18: A curse on girl's education!

97. Child marriage: No to suppression, yes to expression!

98. Child marriage: Ruining girl's lives, damaging the economy!

99. Say no to child marriage, and give girls a chance for greatness!

100. Child marriage: A disgrace that needs to end now!

Creating memorable and effective slogans against child marriage is important in spreading awareness to end this inhumane practice. An effective slogan should be concise, catchy, and relatable. It should be able to capture the public's attention and create a sense of urgency to do something about the issue. Using powerful metaphors, emotional appeals, and clever wordplays are some techniques that can be used in creating an impactful slogan. For instance, "Stop the clock on child marriage" is a powerful slogan that underscores the need to prevent child marriage. It calls for an end to this practice that steals away childhood innocence and nurtures misery. Other slogans like "Childhood is a right, not a privilege," "Protect our girls, end child marriage," and "Say no to marriage, say yes to school" send a strong message against child marriage. It's integral to make the child marriage issue more transparent and create more awareness to end this practice, creating influential slogans against child marriage is essential.

Against Child Marriage Nouns

Gather ideas using against child marriage nouns to create a more catchy and original slogan.

Child nouns: fry, someone, mortal, nipper, individual, tike, progeny, tyke, juvenile, offspring, person, issue, shaver, descendant, soul, kid, somebody, baby, nestling, youngster, parent (antonym), tiddler, kid, juvenile person, descendent, small fry, minor
Marriage nouns: union, family, wedlock, rite, ritual, married couple, family unit, wedding, marriage ceremony, matrimony, spousal relationship, union, marital status, unification, man and wife

Against Child Marriage Rhymes

Slogans that rhyme with against child marriage are easier to remember and grabs the attention of users. Challenge yourself to create your own rhyming slogan.

Words that rhyme with Child: smiled, filed, rothschild, weild, mild, brainchild, schwartzchild, whiled, stepchild, reviled, rothchild, idlewild, schild, beguiled, riled, wilde, wylde, piled, profiled, goodchild, aisled, refiled, grandchild, compiled, schoolchild, exiled, stockpiled, tiled, restyled, viled, hauschild, littlechild, styled, wild, fairchild, reconciled, unreconciled

Words that rhyme with Marriage: parage, bair ridge, kerridge, sverige, disparage, bare ridge, intermarriage, berridge, herridge, miscarriage, herr ridge, bear ridge, carriage, claridge, remarriage, mare ridge
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