April's top soft touch slogan ideas. soft touch phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples. - Page 8
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Best Slogans © 2024
176 Helping you stay in touch with the people you serve. - Finger Lakes Business Service, call center & live answering services

Call Center Slogans 
179 Celtic Pure. Soft days. Bottled. - Celtic Pure spring water, Ireland

Bottled Water Slogans 
180 An everyday, very soft water. - Icefield, natural Canadian water

Bottled Water Slogans 
186 Touching tomorrow today. - Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

College Slogans 
189 The difference is in the touch. - Lavish Cosmetic Surgery and Beauty Clinic in Australia

Plastic Surgery Slogans 
190 Make just one stop for eye care with a personal touch. - Wimmer Opticians in St. Cloud, Minnesota

Optician Slogans 
191 Touch Dragonfly. Reach success. - Dragonfly sewing machines, China

Sewing Machine Slogans 
192 Comprehensive care with a personal touch. - Foothill Farms Veterinary Hospital in Sacramento

Veterinary Slogans 
194 Apple iPhoto. Shoot it. Save it. Share it - Apple / iPhoto multimedia software

Software Advertising Slogans 
197 Siebel. It's all about the customer. - Siebel Systems, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software

Software Advertising Slogans 
198 SCO Grows Your Business. - SCO Group, software solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses

Software Advertising Slogans 
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