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Best Slogans © 2024
27 Tools for the imagination. - Dremel, American brand of power tools

Tool Slogans 
28 Fastening tools for the professional. - Tacwise fastening tools

Tool Slogans 
29 World class cutting tools. - Sutton Tools, industrial cutting tools including drills, end mills, reamers

Tool Slogans 
31 Power tools for the long run. - Makita, brand of industrial and consumer power tools

Tool Slogans 
32 America's most trusted tool brand. - Craftsman hand and power tools, lawn and garden equipment

Tool Slogans 
33 World class power tools. - Echo, chainsaws, trimmers, blowers and other outdoor power tools

Tool Slogans 
35 Delta. Your achievement. Our tools. - Delta Machinery power woodworking tools

Tool Slogans 
36 Olfa. Best made cutting tools in the world. - Olfa, brand of knives, scissors and other cutting tools

Tool Slogans 
39 Zircon. A higher form of tools. - Zircon stud finders, detectors, scanners and other electronic hand tools

Tool Slogans 
40 When it's on the line, you count on Huskie Tools. - Huskie Tools, cutting and compression tools for the electric utility industry

Tool Slogans 
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