June's top buwan ng wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng the words focus and epicenter slogan ideas. buwan ng wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng the words focus and epicenter phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples.
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Buwan Ng Wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng The Words Focus And Epicenter Slogan Ideas

Buwan ng Wika is an annual celebration in the Philippines commemorating the importance of Filipino language and culture. In 2018, the theme for Buwan ng Wika centers around the words "focus" and "epicenter." These words seek to encourage the Filipino people to concentrate on the significance of their native tongue and to recognize its pivotal role in its cultural identity. This year's slogan is significant as it emphasizes the idea that the Filipino language is the center of the nation's cultural heritage. The memorable and effective Buwan ng wika 2018 focus slogan is "Wikang Katutubo: Tungo sa Isang Bansang Filipino," ("Indigenous Language: Towards A Filipino Nation"), while the epicenter slogan is "Filipino: Wika ng Saliksik." Both slogans remind the public of the importance of the national language to the country's identity and cultural development. Highlighting the importance of the Filipino language during Buwan ng Wika helps in promoting the use of the native language and ensures that it will continue to flourish in the years to come.

1. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Focus on our heritage.

2. The epicenter of Filipino culture: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

3. Speak up for your language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

4. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Bringing our culture into focus.

5. The epicenter of Filipino pride: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

6. Let the language of the heart speak this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

7. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: A celebration of language, history, and identity.

8. Discover the epicenter of Filipino culture this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

9. Love your language, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

10. Filipino culture at its epicenter: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

11. Focus on our roots, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

12. The epicenter of Philippine culture: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

13. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the beauty of our language.

14. The epicenter of Filipino heritage: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

15. Embrace your language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

16. Discover the epicenter of our language and culture this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

17. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: The soul of our culture in focus.

18. The epicenter of Filipino tradition: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

19. Focus on our national language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

20. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: A celebration of our identity and culture.

21. Discover the epicenter of Filipino language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

22. Let your language take center stage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

23. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrate the richness of our language.

24. The epicenter of Philippine heritage: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

25. Celebrate your roots this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

26. Discover the epicenter of our national language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

27. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: A celebration of our diversity, unity, and language.

28. The epicenter of our language and culture: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

29. Focus on our language, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

30. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating our language, heritage, and identity.

31. The epicenter of Filipino pride: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

32. Celebrate our language, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

33. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: A celebration of our national language and culture.

34. The epicenter of Filipino language and culture: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

35. Discover the epicenter of our heritage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

36. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the richness of our language and culture.

37. Focus on our language and culture, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

38. The epicenter of Philippine tradition: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

39. Embrace the beauty of our language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

40. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrate our language, celebrate our identity.

41. The epicenter of our national language: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

42. Discover the epicenter of Filipino tradition this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

43. Celebrate our culture, our language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

44. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Focusing on our language, our heritage, our identity.

45. The epicenter of our heritage and culture: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

46. Discover the beauty of our language this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

47. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating our language, our unity, our strength.

48. The epicenter of our roots: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

49. Focus on our language, our identity this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

50. Celebrate the epicenter of Filipino culture this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

51. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Embracing our heritage, our language, our identity.

52. Discover the epicenter of our language and tradition this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

53. Celebrate our national language, celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

54. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the soul of our Filipino culture.

55. The epicenter of our national heritage: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

56. Focus on our language, our roots this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

57. Celebrate the epicenter of our language and tradition this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

58. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the historic role of our language.

59. Discover the epicenter of Filipino history this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

60. The epicenter of our cultural legacy: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

61. Let our language unite us this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

62. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the epicenter of our language and culture.

63. Discover the epicenter of Philippine literature this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

64. Our language, our identity, our pride: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

65. The epicenter of Filipino literature: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

66. Focus on our language, our culture this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

67. Celebrate the epicenter of our language and history this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

68. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: A celebration of our language, our artistry, our identity.

69. Discover the epicenter of Philippine art this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

70. The epicenter of our language and art: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

71. Celebrate the gift of our language and heritage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

72. Focus on our language, our literature this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

73. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the soul of Philippine culture and history.

74. Discover the epicenter of our language and music this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

75. The epicenter of our language and music: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

76. Celebrate the epicenter of our cultural heritage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

77. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Focus on our language, focus on our unity.

78. Discover the epicenter of Filipino identity this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

79. Our language, our story, our nation: Celebrate Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

80. The epicenter of our language and tradition: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

81. Focus on our language, our history this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

82. Celebrate the epicenter of Filipino spirituality this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

83. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Nourishing our language, our culture, our spirit.

84. Discover the epicenter of our language and faith this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

85. The epicenter of our faith and language: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

86. Celebrating our language and resilience this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

87. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Our language, our strength, our legacy.

88. Discover the epicenter of our language and perseverance this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

89. The epicenter of our language and perseverance: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

90. Focus on our language, our perseverance this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

91. Celebrate the epicenter of our language and dedication this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

92. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating the epicenter of our language and resilience.

93. Discover the epicenter of Filipino courage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

94. The epicenter of our language and courage: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

95. Celebrating our language and courage this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

96. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Focus on our language, focus on our courage.

97. Discover the epicenter of our language and bravery this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

98. The epicenter of our language and bravery: Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

99. Celebrate the epicenter of our language and bravery this Buwan ng wika 2018ika.

100. Buwan ng wika 2018ika: Celebrating our language, our bravery, our identity.

To create memorable and effective Buwan ng Wika 2018 slogans related to the words "focus" and "epicenter," you must first understand the essence of the celebration. Buwan ng Wika is all about promoting and preserving the Filipino language and culture. To make your slogans stand out, use words and phrases that evoke a sense of national pride and unity. You can also use puns and wordplay to make them more memorable. For example, "Wika mo, epicenter ng identity mo" or "Focus tayo sa pagpapalaganap ng wika, para sa bayan natin." Brainstorming new ideas, you could also incorporate famous Filipino sayings, idioms or landmarks, like "Bawal ang epal, focus sa pambansang adhikain" or "Luneta, epicenter ng ating wika at kultura." In conclusion, the key to creating effective and memorable Buwan ng Wika 2018 slogans is to align them with the celebration's essence while using creativity and language play to make them stand out.

Buwan Ng Wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng The Words Focus And Epicenter Nouns

Gather ideas using buwan ng wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng the words focus and epicenter nouns to create a more catchy and original slogan.

Words nouns: language, row, linguistic communication, spoken language, dustup, difference, line, conflict, text, wrangle, voice communication, actor's line, dispute, speech, language, speech communication, difference of opinion, spoken communication, textual matter, speech, language, lyric, oral communication, quarrel, run-in
Focus nouns: lucidness, limpidity, point, sharpness, clearness, absorption, engrossment, focussing, focal point, stress, lucidity, point, distinctness, focusing, immersion, concentration, clarity, focal point, pellucidity, direction, centering, focal point, point, emphasis, nidus, accent
Epicenter nouns: geographical point, geographic point, epicentre

Buwan Ng Wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng The Words Focus And Epicenter Verbs

Be creative and incorporate buwan ng wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng the words focus and epicenter verbs into your tagline to have more of an impact.

Focus verbs: focalize, think, blur (antonym), focalize, focalise, set, focus on, conform, correct, focalise, aline, centre, cogitate, blur (antonym), concenter, align, adjust, cerebrate, focalize, sharpen, pore, center, adjust, focalise, concentrate, concentre, adjust, blur (antonym), rivet, adapt, sharpen, line up

Buwan Ng Wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng The Words Focus And Epicenter Rhymes

Slogans that rhyme with buwan ng wika 2018ika 20182018n 2018ika 2018ng the words focus and epicenter are easier to remember and grabs the attention of users. Challenge yourself to create your own rhyming slogan.

Words that rhyme with Words: snowbirds, twothirds, hummingbirds, birds, nerds, sunbirds, thirds, gerdes, passwords, crosswords, thunderbirds, girds, bluebirds, firebirds, kurds, songbirds, herds, watchwords, kingbirds, curds, keywords

Words that rhyme with Focus: choke us, spoke us, hello kiss, cocus, saffron crocus, woke us, refocus, smoke us, awoke us, autumn crocus, pocus, wild crocus, docus, hocus, indian crocus, locus, genus crocus, stroke us, go kiss, crocus, provoke us, soak us, eskimo kiss, broke us, slow kiss

Words that rhyme with Epicenter: day care center, centre, supercenter, burn center, conference center, fenter, bent her, moneycenter, shopping center, entertainment center, venter, resent her, presenter, guenter, research center, event her, genus stentor, ventre, dissenter, respiratory center, storm center, invent her, torment her, center, prevent her, placement center, control center, en ter, inventor, gros ventre, community center, civic center, city center, lentor, went her, storm centre, renter, tormentor, tenter, senter, went ter, nerve centre, meant her, reinvent her, accent her, benter, dent her, menter, unicenter, sent her, cement her, experimenter, student center, genter, extent her, multicenter, financial center, medical center, augment her, enter-, rent her, nerve center, spent her, centerre, vent her, misrepresent her, orient her, auditory center, enter, lent her, represent her, underwent her, circumvent her, repent her, scent her, president ter, lament her, stentor, municipal center, urban center, mentor
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