June's top funny on tv slogan ideas. funny on tv phrases, taglines & sayings with picture examples.
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Funny On Tv Slogan Ideas

Funny TV Slogans: Why They Make Us Laugh and Remember

TV slogans are an essential part of marketing campaigns for television shows. They are short and catchy phrases that instantly grab the audience's attention and help them remember the show's name, theme, or tagline. In recent years, funny TV slogans have become increasingly popular, as they can engage audiences, evoke emotions, and generate buzz around the show. The best funny TV slogans are often memorable, easy to recall, and reflect the core message of the show in a humorous or ironic way. Some examples of effective funny TV slogans include "Winter is coming" from Game of Thrones, "Not Great, Bob," from Mad Men, and "That's what she said" from The Office. These slogans are memorable because they reflect the characters' personalities, add humor to the show, and connect with the audience on an emotional level. In summary, creating a funny TV slogan can make a TV show more memorable, relatable, and engaging for audiences.

1. Laughs guaranteed, or your TV watching time back!

2. Tune in for a smile, stay for the entertainment.

3. Put a smile on your face with our TV shows.

4. Our programs will tingle your funny bone.

5. You can’t watch just one, our shows will make you stay.

6. Laugh out loud with our hilarious TV shows.

7. You’re in for a good time with our TV programs.

8. Get your daily dose of laughter with our shows.

9. You deserve a break, laugh it off with our TV lineup.

10. It's time to grin, turn on the TV!

11. Hilariousness at its finest!

12. ‘Comedy’ is our middle name, so let’s play the game.

13. Leave sadness behind, watch something amusing.

14. For those who love to chuckle...

15. Bring out the popcorn and let the comedy begin!

16. A moment of laughter is all you need; we’ll take care of the rest.

17. Life is tough, but watching our shows is easy.

18. You’ll laugh so hard you’ll forget why you were upset.

19. Our shows will get you through the day.

20. "Laughter is the best medicine," so tune in.

21. We’re serious about being hilarious.

22. Ready for a good chuckle? Our shows have got you covered.

23. Our shows beam happiness to every household.

24. Entertainment made easy, watch our TV for comedy variety.

25. Watch with the family, our shows are clean and funny.

26. Laughter is contagious, it starts with our shows

27. Filling your heart with laughter is what we do.

28. Tired of dramas? Try our funny TV!

29. Your daily dose of joy, comedy TV.

30. Never miss a funny day with our TV programs.

31. Enjoy the light side of life with our TV.

32. A good laugh lifts your spirits, let us entertain you.

33. Your mood booster, our funny TV shows.

34. Looking for something to smile about? Tune in to our channel

35. Our shows keep the world a happy place.

36. We’re not just TV, we’re instant gratification.

37. Turn that frown upside down, watch our TV shows.

38. Our shows are so funny they’re contagious.

39. Lighten up your life, watch our program.

40. Our funny TV shows are on a whole new level.

41. Fostering happiness one smile at a time.

42. Smile, and laugh your heart out with our TV shows.

43. You won’t stop laughing when you watch our TV.

44. Our humor leaves a lasting impression.

45. Never a dull moment when you watch our TV.

46. Relax and chuckle with our programs.

47. We’ve got laughter in our DNA!

48. The only thing we do better than laughing is making others laugh.

49. It’s time to tickle the funny bone with our TV shows.

50. Our programs make family time a laughter-filled experience!

51. "Keep calm and Laugh on" – with our funny TV shows.

52. Give your funny bone the workout that it deserves.

53. Start your day with a smile, watch our TV shows.

54. Our TV shows are proof that laughter is universal.

55. We bring laughter to the table, you bring the snacks!

56. We believe that laughter is the best way to start or end your day.

57. Tune in for a healthy dosage of laughter with our programs.

58. Our TV shows never fail to bring joy to the viewer.

59. Our TV shows never fail to hit the right spot – giggles!

60. We don't just offer funny shows, we offer an escape from reality.

61. A humorous moment is always just a click away.

62. Boredom doesn’t live here. Only laughter and entertainment.

63. Our TV shows have the power to bring people together.

64. We guarantee you a good belly-aching laugh.

65. Kicking off the blues with a surge of laughter.

66. Watch our programs, grab some popcorn and laugh away!

67. No need to go out for entertainment; our TV has got you covered.

68. Come for the TV shows, stay for the laughter.

69. Need a break from reality? Our TV shows got you covered!

70. Hilarity at its finest, coming you're way.

71. You're one show away from laughter! Watch now.

72. Funny doesn’t get any better than our TV!

73. It’s like being at your favorite comedy club..but even better!

74. Don’t just sit and sulk; our TV shows are here to make you laugh.

75. Bringing happiness to your doorstep, one TV show at a time.

76. Our TV shows have the power to make life better; just add humor.

77. One click is all it takes to cure a bad mood.

78. Our TV shows are designed to bring out happy tears.

79. No matter what the day holds, our TV shows will always make you smile.

80. You deserve happiness and laughter, and our TV shows will give you both.

81. Get ready to have your smile muscles stretched – our TV shows are that hilarious!

82. Buckle up for an adventure in humor; our TV shows will take you there.

83. Our TV shows are what you need on a bad day – a laugh riot.

84. We promise a continuous stream of funny moments, right on your TV.

85. Laughter triggers joy, let our TV shows give you a handful.

86. Your laughter is our top priority, our TV shows never disappoint.

87. Our TV shows are here to remind you not to take life too seriously.

88. You will be howling with laughter after every episode of our TV shows.

89. Stick with us, and you’ll never go a day without laughter and smiles.

90. Our TV shows are the ultimate stress-busters.

91. Need a good laugh? We’ve got you covered!

92. Slapstick, spoof, satire, you get them all on our TV shows.

93. Our TV shows are proof that laughter is the best cure for anything.

94. With our TV shows, you don’t have to search too far for the joy of life.

95. Our TV shows are the elixir of joy, and you deserve a dose!

96. Turn boredom into fun with our TV shows!

97. Laughter will keep you young, let our TV shows keep you laughing.

98. Our TV shows will make you laugh until you cry.

99. We've got the formula for the best medicine – pure, unadulterated laughter.

100. Our TV shows are the laughter pill you didn’t know you needed.

Creating a funny TV slogan can be a challenging task but it can be a great way to attract viewers and make your brand memorable. To make an effective and memorable slogan, you must keep it simple and catchy, while incorporating the right amount of humor. It must also be related to the message you want to convey to your audience. Make sure your slogan resonates with your target audience’s sense of humor, and it must be something that they can relate to. Keep in mind that your slogan must be unique and distinguishable to set your brand apart. Don't be afraid to be punny, ironic, or use wordplay to make it memorable. Some funny TV slogan ideas include "Where smart meets fart," "Binge-watch responsibly," "Silly is stronger than serious," "Laugh a little, learn a lot," and "TV that's always on the funny side." Investing some time and effort in creating an engaging and memorable TV slogan can help your brand become more visible and memorable to your target audience.

Funny On Tv Nouns

Gather ideas using funny on tv nouns to create a more catchy and original slogan.

Funny nouns: funny remark, good story, laugh, jape, joke, gag, funny story, jest

Funny On Tv Adjectives

List of funny on tv adjectives to help modify your slogan.

Funny adjectives: queer, sick, rummy, laughable, risible, comic, odd, amusing, questionable, humourous, mirthful, suspect, shady, curious, singular, suspicious, rum, humorous, peculiar, fishy, unusual, comical, ill, strange

Funny On Tv Rhymes

Slogans that rhyme with funny on tv are easier to remember and grabs the attention of users. Challenge yourself to create your own rhyming slogan.

Words that rhyme with Funny: run he, easter bunny, smart money, waste of money, easy money, hush money, for love or money, euromoney, anyone he, pun he, one knee, son he, lunney, squinny, one he, begun he, hearth money, runny, run e, paper money, tunney, ton he, none he, sun he, sun e, ransom money, amount of money, metal money, bunney, kun hee, munni, grandson he, honey, conscience money, son e, squiny, spinny, pin money, un he, cheap money, aknee, none e, shotgun he, le ne, spending money, prize money, tunny, everyone he, bunny, nun he, blood money, sunny, dunny, donne e, entrance money, gunnie, gun he, someone e, thunny, un ne, done he, ship money, fun he, ca ne, blini, won he, sonny, smartmoney, sum of money, folding money, ton ne, someone he, fiat money, money, gunny, pocket money, handgun he, token money, tight money, un e, earnest money, lunny, bunnie, un ni
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